
A Head-First & No-Nonsense Approach

30-Day cybersecurity transformation for your business

Cybersecurity is the cornerstone of IT and the 1st step in our IT services model. IT management, business automation, and digital transformation all build on a solid cybersecurity foundation.

We deliver tangible cybersecurity improvements in just 30 days. Our approach is swift, focused, and effective.

Our 30-day process:

  1. Days 1-10: Comprehensive cyber security risk analysis (extra time if your business has multiple locations).
  2. Days 11-30: Rapid implementation of critical protections

Key benefits:

  1. Quick results: Solid, multi-layered protection in just 30 days
  2. Incremental improvement: We start with the most crucial safeguards and build from there
  3. Minimal disruption: No lengthy analysis, no dozens of pages report, no endless meetings
  4. Adaptable: We adjust and enhance protection as your needs evolve

Our head-first strategy prioritizes:

  1. Identifying and addressing critical vulnerabilities first
  2. Implementing straightforward, effective solutions
  3. Use plain language in communication, avoiding technical jargon and unnecessary complexity

Services we provide:

  1. Risk assessment
  2. Rapid deployment of essential safeguards
  3. Ongoing, gradual enhancements
  4. 24/7 network monitoring and defense

Don’t let cybersecurity concerns hinder your growth. With South Arm Technology, you can achieve robust protection quickly and efficiently. Contact us today to start your 30-day cybersecurity transformation.

The Full Process

We start from a first time appointment meeting, which is a 15 minutes phone call. The purpose of this short meeting is to get to know us a bit better. By the end this quick discussion, we will decide the next step.

Discovery meeting is a 45 minutes meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to learn more about your business, your systems, your data, and your risk posture. We will prepare a list of questions ahead of the meeting and we will go through the questions during the meeting.

By the end of this meeting, we will decide if we shall move to the next step, which is risk assessment.

Cybersecurity risk assessment takes 10 business days. During this time period, we will collect data from your system and interview your users for a comprehensive risk assessment.

By the end of the 10 days, we will have a risk assessment report available for you.

During this 60 minutes in-person cybersecurity review meeting, we will go through the cybersecurity risk assessment report: introduce what we discovered, analyze your risk postures, answer your questions, and present our suggestions. This meeting and its companion reports will be valuable assets to your firms.

Shall we decide to move forward, backup essentials implementation will be the first project. Cybersecurity covers many aspects and backup is one of the most, if not the most important area. We will implement essential backup solutions within 2 weeks: it will greatly improve the resilience of your data and your system.

In addition to backup, there are a number of security measures that have higher marginal benefits to your system, your data, and your users. We will implement those measures within 2 weeks.

After 30 days (starting from the day when cybersecurity risk assessment was carried on), your company’s overall cybersecurity will be in a much better shape. In this 30 minutes in-person (or video call), we will go through the essential measures we implemented in the past 30 days, revisit the schedule we set up during the risk assessment review meeting, make adjustment if needed, and start our journey!

Cybersecurity is a living book and there is no ending chapter. In addition to the monthly report we send to you, we will meet bi-monthly to review and improve.